

Canva Webinars 

We are delighted to welcome back our friend Hannah, who led our Social Media webinar last year. Hannah will be leading three webinars on the popular graphics tool Canva.

Canva has proved to be a very useful and free tool for churches to help make their website look good. We thought it would be great to ask Hannah back to help you and your church!

You can book any of the sessions on our Hubb Webinar website

  • Canva for Beginners (26th June 2024)
  • Canva Intermediate Techniques (24th July 2024)
  • Advanced Canva Skills for Effective Church Communication (11th September 2024)


Hannah Fleming-Hill is a digital missioner and freelance comms consultant ( who works with charities, churches and national organisations such as Baptist Together, Diocese of Exeter, Diocese of Salisbury, as well as local churches offering support in digital content creation, including video creation, social media management, training and talks on digital theology. She is passionate about working with anyone struggling with using digital for the Kingdom. She wants to help them understand the opportunities of using online and equipping teams to get started. She also has a church comms podcast called ‘Gourds and Pomegranates’ (

Look forward to seeing you there!