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Customer Support > Members > Approving registrations automatically

Approving registrations automatically

You can approve a site registration, or a registration to a group, automatically by adjusting the groups registration settings as follows:
  1. Select the group in which you wish to approve registrations automatically. If it's for site registrations then it would be your root group, where you store your main contact database, if it's applications to a group then you'd select the appropriate user group folder.
  2. Click on the group; and select the settings cog settings-cog from the top right of the page, this will open the group settings.
  3. Select the Access section, the access options will be displayed
  4. Under the access options will be a section titled Applications. Set the "Automatically approve application-optionsapplications to this group from:" setting to be what is required. e.g. on the contact database group this would be set to "Visitors to the site". Note: If the automatically approve option is disabled it's because the group doesn't allow registrations, thus they can't be automaticaly approved. If this is the case change the setting above to allow registrations first.