ChurchInsight  is now

Support for Hubb users

How can we help you today?


There are various modules that can be added to articles, to the shop, and in templates, there is a brief description of each below, the majority have a number of editable settings depending on what you are requiring.


Article – Displays an article

Articles List – Displays a list of published articles from the whole site, a specific group or articles specified with a particular tag

Calendar – Displays a list of events, for this group, the whole site, a specific group or events specified with a particular tag

Gallery – This module allows you to create a gallery of images from a particular group as a slideshow or as an unordered list

HTML – Allows you to add html to your article via a module

Map – Displays a map, with or without a marker

Media List – Display a list of media files, this can be either Audio/video files or documents files (PDFs/Word etc). From the whole site, the current group, a specific group or files tagged with a specific tag, with or without an RSS feed

Payment – Embeds a payment page

Profile Editor – Enable new users tor egister and existing users to update their profile

Resource Calendar – Displays booked resources


Article Links – Displays accompanying links for the selected document

Blog – Displays the latest list of ‘x’ articles from the current group

Breadcrumbs – Displays a breadcrumb trail in the shop from the root group of the shop catalogue

Comments – Displays ‘x’ most recent comments from forums, articles and polls in the current group, the whole site, a specific group or comments created by the current logged in user

Cookies Notification – This module displays a message to highlight the cookies policy

Create Sub-group – Displays a link to create a sub-group in the current group, a specific group or a group specified by a group link note

Directory – Displays organisations from the current group, a specific group, a group specified by a group link note, with or without a map

Document Editor Link – If you are allowing document submissions this module displays a link to the document editor.

Hot picks – Displays a list of hot picks in the shop from a group you specify or from the whole shop catalogue

Image or Flash – Displays a fixed image, a random image or an image specified by a note

Join Group – Displays a link to join the current group, another group or a groups specified by a group link custom field

Media Player – Allows you to embed an audio/video file so it will play in the page

Polls – Displays the polls you have set up, from the current group, a specific group or specified by a group note.

Rotas – Display a link to the published rotas from the current group

RSS Reader – Display an RSS feed

Search – Shows a search box for either the whole site, the current group, a specific group or a group specified by the group link custom field

Send Message – Allows you to send a message to a specific user or a user specified by a user link note

Site Address – Displays the site address as specified in the Site Profile under Site Settings

Site Charity Number – Displays the charity number set in the site profile under site settings

Site Email– Displays the email address set in the site profile under site settings

Site Logo – Displays the logo uploaded in site profile under site settings

Site Name – Displays the site name set in the site profile under site settings

Site Phone – Displays the phone number set in the site profile under site settings

Tag Cloud – Shows a tag cloud of the most frequently used tags for the current group or a specific group.

To add a module to an article or template put your cursor where you want the module to appear and select the 'Module' icon from the menu bar and select the module you want to place. For most modules you will have some editable options you need to complete as part of the process.