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Customer Support > Members > Generating Login Details for New Users

Generating Login Details for New Users

When you have added a new user to the database you can generate a log in name and password for them and the system will email them this information.

You can either do this as part of the process of creating the user, or you can do it after the person is added to the database.

Generating a login as part of adding a new user

enable-membership-when-creatin When you are creating a new user follow the instructions in the first section of this article on Adding Contacts. You can, as you go through this process select for their login to be enabled automatically. This is done via the dropdown options at the top of step three in the process. By default this is set to be disabled but you can select the option 'Enabled' and when you complete the process, providing there is an email address in place, then the system will email login details to the user.

If there is no email address in place and you use this method you will need to copy the login details from the screen and pass them on.

Enabling a login for an existing record

enable-login-for-existing-user If you have a member who is already in the database but they don't have a login then you can enable the login and send an email with their login name and password. You can do this by going to the user record under the Members tab (or by searching via the quick find). Open the record and click on the blue task button on the top right. Select the option to 'Enable website login acess for this person'. You will get a pop up where you can set Membership and Involvement options if required, and then approve the action. The system will then email the user with their login details and password. Again, if there is no email address in place for this person the system will give you the details on the screen and you can pass them on.


Enabling a login for a number of users

If you have a number of members already in the database but they don't have a login then you can enable the login and en masse and send emails with their login name and password.

You can do this by going to the Members tab and using the task to 'Send login details to unused accounts'.

This will bring up a window where you can select anyone who you wish to have a login (if they don't already have one) and send emails to all users who have not logged in within the last year, whether they are people who haven't had a previous login or users who have forgotten their login details.

Send logins to unused accounts