Harvest Resources
Here are a few resources for those who wish to promote any Harvest events on their website.
Website graphics
We have created a few images that you can add to your website slideshow and content pages.
If you need any help with managing images on your site please take a look at the videos:
To save any image below, just right click on it and then save the image to your device.
Slideshow Images (2000 x 750px)
Feature Images (800 x 400px)
Harvest Sunday/Festival Announcement Bar
If you plan to hold a special Harvest service, or other Harvest event, then we can provide an announcement bar for it.
This can sit below the slideshow on the homepage of your website, and an example can be seen below.

If you'd like a Harvest related announcement bar added to your website, please fill in this form with details of what you'd like the bar to say, and where you'd like it to point in your site.
Email address:
Website Address: